Tuesday, April 8, 2014

National Walking Day!! Physical Activity = Improved Health

AHA National Walking Day 2014

"The sum of the whole is this: walk and be happy; walk and be healthy. The best way to lengthen out our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose." 
--Charles Dickens

"Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why." --Eddie Cantor

"The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone." --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

AHA National Walking Day Poster Image

Red String attached to my shoe laces in support of
the AHA and National Walking Day

I owe a huge "Thank You" to my sweet husband for walking with me on April 2, 2014 at noon around our community's walking track on a beautiful, sunny, balmy Mississippi day to celebrate National Walking Day 2014! As we walked around the track in our hometown's Bruce Burney Memorial Park, we talked, we laughed, we had FUN!!

Walking over 30 minutes on National Walking Day!
My husband posing for me after we finished our walk.

I deserved a little relaxation time after my walk!!

When the weather warms back up and the rain in our area dies down, my husband and I will walk at least 3 days each week in our walking park. On the other day's you can find me in my home gym, walking and running on my treadmill. When you live with Chronic Back Pain and Chronic Sinus Allergies like I do, walking inside is just the best choice for me.

AHA National Walking Day Poster Image and Resources about Walking

The AHA promotes this day to get you committed to walking for 30 minutes or more each day to reduce your health risks because their statistics show that 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women are at risk for heart disease, and research shows that poor lifestyle is a major contributor. Along with National Walking Day, you can look also visit the AHA website www.MyHeartMyLife.org to learn more about living a Healthy Heart Lifestyle. The American Heart Association’s My Heart, My Life healthy living initiative helps individuals and families understand how to get active and eat healthy—all part of the American Heart Association’s 2020 goal.

National Walking Day began as the American Heart Association’s National Start! Walking Program in 2008 and will now be celebrated on the first Wednesday of April each year. So if you missed National Walking Day this year, start walking now so that you will be really prepared for next year’s National Walking Day.

Find any way that you can to get your 30 minutes of walking in each day!

Because adults are more inactive in today’s busy world of work, along with family life, not only adults, but also children and teens are living an overly sedentary lifestyle. It’s not that we are lazy—we are simply too busy doing and going every day of our life.

National Walking Day is one of many of the American Heart Association’s recommendations to help you increase physical inactivity by encouraging everyone to take 30 minutes of their day and get up, get out and walk. Walking is so important to begin living a healthier lifestyle when we acknowledge that physical inactivity doubles the risk of heart disease.

According to Wendy Bumgardner, the AHA physical activity recommendations help:

  • Cut your risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes
  • Extend your life expectancy
  • Work toward a healthy weight (or maintain the weight you have)
  • Have more energy to do the things you love
  • Sleep better
  • Enhance your mental well being
  • Be a great role model for people in your life
  • Be ready to hit the ground running in spring! (or in the case of 2014, when the weather finally warms up

Why did you walk on National Walking Day?

If you did participate in National Walking Day, 2014 (like I did), the American Heart Association encourages each person who participated in National Walking Day 2014 to take a photo of yourself enjoying walking and post it to Instagram with the hashtag #AHALaceUp.

Also remember to keep walking. If the weather is rainy and cold like it currently is, you can walk my favorite way —indoors on a treadmill.

Also, you may want to keep the following AHA information in mind on those days when you just don’t feel like walking 30 to 60 minutes a day:

  1. Walkers Live Longer
  2. Walking Helps Prevent Weight Gain
  3. You Can Walk Off Weight
  4. Walking Reduces Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke
  5. Walking Reduces Cancer and Diabetes Risk
  6. Walking Boosts Your Brain Power
  7. Walking Improves Mood and Relieves Stress
  8. It’s easy to start walking

For Other Sources of Information about the Importance of Walking and a Healthy Lifestyle see:

AHA My Heart, My Life Initiative www.MyHeartMyLife.org

--Happy Walking
--Living Chronically Content
--Philippians 4: 11-12

Angie Russell Irvin
Mrs. Mississippi International 2014


Monday, April 7, 2014

What a Pain in the Neck "Baptist For Women" Seminar

Baptist For Women Logo and Registration Information

Front Entrance to Baptist Health Systems "Baptist For Women" Hospital Annex
Chronic pain can make us feel isolated and helpless, especially if its cause is an illness or physical condition for which there's no cure or effective medical treatment. At times of deepest despair, finding ways to nurture our spirits can help us not only cope with the pain, but also discover nuggets of grace, comfort, and productivity that can move us through and beyond the helplessness and hopelessness we feel.
Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/Health/Physical-Health/10-Spiritual-Tools-for-Coping-with-Chronic-Pain.aspx#d2u5AmTGvtUhzHtr.99

"Chronic Pain can make us feel isolated and helpless, especially if its cause is an illness or physical condition for which there's no cure or effective medical treatment. At times of deepest despair, finding ways to nurture our spirit can help us not only cope with the pain, but also discover nuggets of grace, comfort, and productivity that can move us through and beyond the helplessness and hopelessness we feel. [Use Spiritual tools] . . . that can help you get started toward peace in spite of and in the midst of pain."

"10 Spiritual Tools for Coping with Chronic Pain" --Maureen Pratt

Chronic pain can make us feel isolated and helpless, especially if its cause is an illness or physical condition for which there's no cure or effective medical treatment. At times of deepest despair, finding ways to nurture our spirits can help us not only cope with the pain, but also discover nuggets of grace, comfort, and productivity that can move us through and beyond the helplessness and hopelessness we feel.
Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/Health/Physical-Health/10-Spiritual-Tools-for-Coping-with-Chronic-Pain.aspx#d2u5AmTGvtUhzHtr.99

On Friday, March 28th at noon, I had the privilege of attending the Baptist Health Systems "What a Pain in the Neck" Lunch Seminar at the Baptist for Women Conference Room in Jackson, MS. I was thrilled to be having a good day in my life with Chronic Pain as I listened to my former neurosurgeon Dr. Lynn Stringer, M.D., to find out what self-help measures are safe and effective for relieving discomfort, or when it’s time to get medical attention.

Dr. Lynn Stringer, M.D.

Dr. Stringer beginning his Chronic Neck Pain Presentation

I was so happy to be able to speak with Dr. Stringer during the Seminar and to thank him for refusing to operate on my neck in 2006-2007 when I was in his office numerous times begging him to find some way to end my non-stop pain. Dr. Stringer is so wise, and he knew that cervical disc surgery would not cure my chronic neck and chronic head pain caused by spinal stenosis, degenerative arthritis, and degenerative disc disease. This day was so significant for me, as I was able to tell Dr. Stringer that I am in a "good place" with my Chronic Pain for now, after focusing on Holistic Medicine, Acupuncture, Exercise, and finding a caring General Practitioner who has taken me on as only 1 of her 2 chronic pain patients.

I found a new "little" friend who was attending the seminar with his mother. He was fascinated by my crown, so I asked him if he would take a picture with me. Our picture is one of my favorites that I have taken as I have traveled in Mississippi promoting my platform about #ChronicPainAwareness.

This Little Cutey was playing with his Mom's cell phone, until my "Sparkly" Crown stole his attention!

I also met several new friends at the seminar, including the RN Director of this Baptist for Women Seminar. Most of those attending the seminar, who live with Chronic Neck Pain, have gone through several surgeries and tried countless methods to stop their chronic pain. Listening to them as they spoke about their Chronic Neck Pain, took me back to the days when I was practically bed ridden from my pain, and I silently thanked God as I was sitting in the seminar and realized in that moment how close to wellness I am coming in my chronic pain journey. 

With the Director of the "What a Pain in the Neck" Seminar

I will always live with #ChronicPain. There will be days when I have to rest in complete darkness b/c my pain is so intense. And I don't know when or if I will have a chronic pain setback. It happens to all of us who live daily in Chronic Pain. Yet for now, I am awe-inspired that I am able to go and do for myself now, after living 20 years in chronic pain---when I was so dependent on my precious husband who has been my spouse and my caretaker for so many years and my 2 understanding daughters, who ran my errands when I could not. What a humbling and also remarkable feeling to know that a miracle is taking place in my physical and emotional life of chronic pain as I write this now.

—Each Day is a Gift
Acknowledge Chronic Pain through Compassion, Understanding, and Awareness

Jeremiah 29: 11-13
Be Brave,

Angie Russell Irvin

Mrs. Mississippi International 2014
